Severn Trent Green Power Holsworthy AD Facility
The Holsworthy AD facility offers food waste recycling in Devon and Cornwall and the surrounding areas. The site processes more than 50,000 tonnes of food waste annually and can create enough renewable energy every year to power about 8,000 homes.
Learn more about our food waste recycling service here or Contact us to discuss recycling a specific waste stream.
Holsworthy was the first 'food only' AD plant in the UK. It became part of the Severn Trent Green Power network in 2023 when the company completed a takeover of former owners, Andigestion Ltd.
The site was formerly a livestock slurry processing plant but having acquired the plant in 2005, Andigestion gradually turned it into a food-only process. Over the years we have optimised the process and technology and have now developed the site into one of the most productive and efficient in the UK. The site processes a huge variety of commercial organic waste ranging from the famous Cornish pasty right through to process effluent from chewing gum manufacture. The site can process up to 80,000 tonnes of food waste each year and on average produce 3.2MW of renewable electricity per hour from its engines. The site also receives municipal wastes from householders in Devon helping to ensure that food waste is diverted away from landfill.
Opening hours:
We are open to receive waste deliveries from 08:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday.